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Lately I have started making homemade whipped cream. For a while a lot of the recipes I was making called for heavy whipping cream and I always ended up with leftover cream. Then I had recipes that I wanted to have whipped cream with. So I resolved to learn how to make my own whipped cream!
I found this recipe and am set! I also saw a tip to use a chilled bowl. So I use a metal mixing bowl that I pop in the freezer first while I gather the rest of the tools and ingredients I need. And in just the minute or so it takes to get everything ready, the bowl’s the perfect temperature!
Now you might think it takes a light hand to make homemade whipped cream. What if I over-whip and it turns to butter? Yep, that can happen. But it’s not really a matter of having a light hand, it’s simply a matter of not getting distracted. Just take those few minutes it takes to make whipped cream to really only focus on the cream and how it’s thickening. If you do that, don’t let you mind wander or focus on something else, then it’ll be really difficult to over beat it. Simple as that!
And, I just read the other day in Real Simple, if you do over whip, just add more cream until it’s back to the consistency it should be!
So is homemade whipped cream better than just picking a can up at the store? If you’re like me and have just made this recipe or this one or even this one, then you’ve already got the primary ingredient on hand. But if you don’t or just don’t feel like making it whipped cream in a can is always great!
I’ve found it hard to tell exactly when I’ve got the batch just right. Some of my batches have been better than others. It’s hard to get it perfect each and every time. But the really good ones have, yes, been better than the canned whipped cream at the store!