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- 1 c butter, room temperature
- 1 Tbsp sugar
- 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1 Tbsp milk
- 1 egg yolk
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1½ c flour
- Cream butter & sugar. Add cream cheese, egg and milk. Mix together. Add baking powder and flour. Mix.
- Refrigerate for half hour.
- Roll out, cut 2″x2″ squares. Fill center with favorite pastry/pie filling or jam. Fold sides over filling. Brush tips with water and pinch/press the tips over each other so they stay closed.
- Bake 350F for about 15 minutes.
Hint: Best to use parchment paper in case the filling gets on cookie sheet. Less to clean up.

I really do dread rolling, cutting and fussing with dough. How much so? Well I’ll tell you. For the 2009 holiday season, I learned to make these cookies with a friend’s mom. They tasted so good I got the recipe from her, ran out right away and bought filling fully intending to make another batch just as soon as possible. And now two years later, I finally got around to making that batch. I forced myself to make them. And only now because I didn’t want to waste the filling as it was about ready to be tossed.

If you’re looking for a baking challenge, this is the recipe for you! They are very involved. Mix the dough, refrigerate it, roll it, cut it (repeat the rolling and cutting until you’ve made use of all of the dough). Then, one little spoonful at a time, place a dollop of pastry filling on each square. The fun doesn’t stop there. Fold and attempt to secure the dough over the filling. They look great don’t they? Now, try not to lose your cool as all of your hard work unfolds in front of your eyes while they bake. But don’t worry, folded or not, they taste great either way!

Seriously, they really are a tasty pastry. And they’re low in sugar, too!
YUM! Come spring, this recipe could double as one for hamentaschen, the Jewish Passover dessert. Same idea, different shape! I may hang onto this one. :)
I looked those up and yeah they do seem like the same thing. Let me know, if you do make them, if you have any luck keeping them folded! lol I’m thinking if I’d rolled the dough a little thinner, that might have helped. But then the dough would have been that much harder to work with. I’m convinced there’s no winning with these things. But like I said they taste great no matter how they look! : )