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Hands-on Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Serves 8
1 prepared 9″ (6 oz) graham cracker crumb crust
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
½ c (about 3 medium limes) fresh lime juice
1 tsp grated lime peel
2 c frozen whipped topping, thawed
Lime peel twists or lime slices (optional)
Beat sweetened condensed milk and lime juice in small mixer bowl until combined; stir in lime peel. Pour into crust; spread with whipped topping. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set. Garnish with lime peel twists.
As I’ve stated before, I am a few months behind with recipes. My Valentine’s creation were only posted last month. So now you’re just getting my Pi Day and St. Patty’s Day creations. Yup, you heard me right. I did in fact celebrate Pi Day this year. What can I say, I work in a nerdy environment, and am a tad of a nerd myself. Especially when it’s cause to make food!
Pi Day and St. Patty’s Day being so close together is great! If you plan right, like I did, your party can be a toofer! A pie suffices for Pi Day and a green pie suffices for St. Patty’s Day!!

No matter the time of year or occasion, this pie is great for so many reasons. It’s super quick and easy to make. The hardest part of squeezing the limes for the juice. And even that’s not bad if you think of it as a workout. And this pie is delicious!

This recipe comes from my Old Fashioned Bake Sale cookbook. Carnation sweetened condensed milk is recommended of course, hence the name. I’m pretty sure I just used generic although sometimes I have Carnation brand on hand if there’s been a sale.

I did use too much whipped topping – I eyeballed instead of measuring. (You can totally see what I mean in the first picture.) I didn’t think having too much of a good thing like that could be bad, but it was a tad overwhelming. Also, another note, when you’re done getting a workout from juicing the limes, don’t throw the rind away. Toss it into your garbage disposal and grind it up! Really works those blades and most importantly leaves your sink area smelling fabulous! You can easily do this with any citrus. I love re-purposing waste!
Gosh, so many good things that this recipe has to offer! I look forward to making it again and again!